Liposuction (invasive fat removal)

Essential (Functional) Fat Liposuction can be performed on men and women who:
  • have a localized accumulation of fat that does not respond to exercise and / or diet
  • Have sufficient elasticity of the skin so that a uniform surface contour can be created after removal of the fat deposits. Since the normal aging process affects the firmness and elasticity of the skin, the same result can usually not be achieved in older patients as in younger patients. Patients with very slack, inelastic skin, for example after massive weight loss, are often more suitable for tightening operations.
  • have not undergone frequent weight changes
  • Expect an improvement in shape and no weight loss
  • Are mentally stable
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the treatment
  • are well informed about the expected outcome
  • Have sufficient therapy compliance to take the necessary rest after surgery and necessary follow-up treatment with compression
  Liposucction can be performed at any body regions
Liposuction is often performed in conjunction with other aesthetic procedures at the same time. With a previous liposuction prior to the actual tightening operation, a two-stage treatment – first liposuction, then tightening operation after 6 – 12 weeks – can be achieved:
  • often a significant shortening of the scar length
  • Significantly lower risk of wound healing disorders after the tightening operation
In some cases, the body shape can also be restored by shifting tissue (tissue transposition) from “where too much to where too little”. The removal of fat cells by liposuction is the first therapeutic step in autologous fat Transfer / lipofilling (→Link).

In clinical practice, a detailed clinical examination is first carried out;

  1. What bothers you
  2. What are your expectations
  3. previous (aesthetic) operations
  4. general health
  5. Development of body shape and weight
  6. Lifestyle (sport)
  7. Quality of the skin
  8. Medicines
  9. Allergies


The body areas to be corrected are discussed and marked with the patient

The different treatment options with their advantages and disadvantages, possible results and limits for the present individual case are discussed in detail.

In an initial consultation, liposuction should be discussed in detail. You can then use this information to think further and make a decision. A second consultation can often be necessary if the patient still has questions. The patient should ask these questions – possibly also in writing – and have them answered. The better informed the patient is, the better the treatment can be controlled.

Even with the right technique, complications can arise. After liposuction, bleeding, (temporary) decreased sensation, skin discoloration, accumulation of tissue fluid, inflammation, scarring and the development of uneven skin can occur. If the skin is not elastic enough, the skin can sag. Fine corrections may occasionally be necessary.

No specific preparation for liposuction is necessary. Prior to liposuction, all anti-blood flow drugs except heparin must be discontinued.

Preoperative markings: The body areas to be corrected are discussed with the patient and – while standing – marked.

Anesthesia: Liposuction is carried out under local anesthesia combined with a light concious sedation, or if desired under general anesthesia

Liposuction: After the area that is to be suctioned has been injected, the fat is removed with fine cannulas through punctiform skin incisions. Care must be taken to remove fat carefully so that undesirable changes in shape on the surface of the skin can be avoided. Adequate wound drainage should be ensured after the suction. The duration of the liposuction depends on the size and location of the fat deposit and the individual requirements.

Dressing: A highly absorbent bandage is applied. Compression treatment is started on the operating table.

Outpatient/Hospital: The treatment can be carried out on an outpatient or short-term basis (1 night). If there are pre-existing illnesses or further cosmetic interventions are carried out during the same general anesthesia, it makes sense to spend a night in the clinic in order to guarantee medical monitoring in the postoperative phase and to be able to carry out better pain therapy.

Pain management: Attention should be paid to adequate pain therapy. Most patients describe the pain as very sore muscles.

Antibiotcs: 3 – 5 days

Thrombosis prophylaxis: Clexane 40 ™ s.c., fluid 3000 ml/day, compression, early mobilisation 

Mobilisation: as fast as possible

Activities: Patients can walk around without any problems, but should avoid physical activity for about 2 to 6 weeks.

Sick leave: There is an incapacity for work for 2 to 7 days.

Compression treatment: After suction, care should be taken to ensure adequate wound drainage and adequate compression. Postoperative compression therapy is an integral part of the treatment. It is done with a special compression bandage that is appropriate and ordered preoperatively. Compression treatment is started on the operating table. Compression therapy should be worn at night for a total of 6-12 weeks after liposuction in order to optimally shape the shape of the neck.

Wound care: It is important to point out to the patient that skin discoloration may occur in the suctioned area, which may take about 1 week. The skin above the suctioned area can be a little less sensitive for 1 to 3 months. Skin threads are removed after 5 – 7 days.

Skin care: After complete healing of the wound, intensive skin and scar care with fatty ointment should be carried out by the patient 3 – 5 times / day

Postoperative Swelling: The effect of the change in shape after suction only becomes apparent after the swelling has subsided (6 – 12 weeks). The final result can be assessed after half a year, this is how long it takes for the skin to shrink.

Liposuction does not lead to significant weight loss but to a significant change in shape (change in clothing size).

With the correct patient selection and explanation (doctor / patient), careful surgical technique (doctor) and adequate follow-up treatment (patient), liposuction is a very safe procedure with easily reproducible results, small, barely visible scars and high patient satisfaction.

With a normal diet, the result will be permanent. If you gain weight again, this will be more “everywhere” and not more in the area of ​​the former fat deposits in the neck area.

Small fine corrections are only necessary occasionally.

If the skin is sufficiently elastic, shrinkage of the skin on top leads to a change in shape, which gives it back a defined appearance. and thus the overall body profile is improved.