Fat Transfer (Lipofilling)

Fat transfer (autologous fat grafting, Lipofilling) refers to the method in which the body’s own fat is used for tissue injection (Volume effect):

  • Autologous fat is a very suitable injection material because – in contrast to foreign substances – it does not lead to any allergies.
  • The transplantation of autologous fat (transplantation) can in principle take place anywhere (in the subcutaneous tissue) in any region of the body.
  • The chances of success that transplanted fat cells will permanently grow in are very high. The result of the lipotransfer is long-lasting and can be corrected over the years.

In addition to the immediate volume effect, the body’s own fatty tissue also has a regenerative effect – through the stem cells it contains – on the overlying skin.

After about 6 – 12 weeks there is a significant thickening of the skin and an increase in elastic fibers (regenerative medicine)

Fat transfer is nowadays the first choice therapy for wrinkle treatment (micro-grafting):

  • face (dark circles under the eyes, deepened nasolabial fold, wrinkles in the cheek area,……)
  • hand

Fat transfer also is the first choice therapy for volume augmentation (macro-grafting):

  • Breast augmentation
  • Vulva puffing
  • Penis enlargement
  • Buttock augmentation („Brazilian But Lift“)

Due to the high number of stem cells in adipose tissue, adipose tissue is increasingly used for Regenerative Medicine indications

The autologous fat injection can be carried out at any the time of year, it can be easily combined with other aesthetic procedures and it shows both immediate and long-term effects

In clinical practice, a detailed clinical examination is first carried out;

  1. What bothers you
  2. What are your expectations
  3. previous (aesthetic) operations
  4. general health
  5. Development of body shape and weight
  6. Lifestyle (sport)
  7. Quality of the skin
  8. Medicines
  9. Allergies
  10. Smoking


The body areas to be corrected are discussed and marked with the patient

The different treatment options with their advantages and disadvantages, possible results and limits for the present individual case are discussed in detail (→ informed consent).

In an initial consultation, lipofilling should be discussed in detail. You can then use this information to think further and make a decision. A second consultation can often be necessary if the patient still has questions. The patient should ask these questions – possibly also in writing – and have them answered. The better informed the patient is, the better the treatment can be controlled.

Even with the right technique, complications can rarely arise:

Swelling, skin discoloration due to bleeding, feeling of pressure, …

Specific preparation for the autologous fat injection is not necessary.

If necessary, an anesthetic cream (e.g. EMLA ® ointment) can be applied before the injection.

Prior to liposuction, all anti-blood flow drugs except low-molecular heparin must be discontinued.

The body areas to be corrected are discussed with the patient. The treatment is divided into 3 sections:
Liposuction takes place under local anesthesia, if desired, combined with a light twilight sleep (sedation). Adequate wound drainage should be ensured after the suction. A highly absorbent bandage is applied Processing of the fat: There are different protocols available Lipofilling (autologous fat injection) is also carried out under local anesthesia. Then a certain amount of autologous fat is introduced into the respective skin layer with a fine needle in a 3D manner. No bandage is necessary in the facial area

The follow-up treatment takes into account the donor area of ​​the liposuction and the recipient site:

Donor area (liposuction for fat graft harvest): care must be taken to ensure adequate wound drainage and adequate compression after the suction. Adequate pain therapy should also be ensured. We prescribe anti-inflammatory (decongestant) medication and an antibiotic for 5 days. Patients can go home the same day. There is an incapacity for work for 1-2 days (→ sick leave) . Patients can walk around without any problems, but should avoid physical activity for about 2-4 weeks.

It is important to point out to the patient that skin discoloration may occur in the suctioned area, which may take about 1 week. The skin above the suctioned area can be a little less sensitive for 1 to 3 months.

Recipeint site of the lipofilling:

  • Face, hand, vulva (micro-grafting):
  • no bandage
  • Make-up possible after injection (Face)
  • Patients can resume normal life immediately, however, no heavy sport activities for 2 – 4 weeks

The chances of success that transplanted fat cells will permanently grow into them are very high.

The result of the fat transfer is long-lasting and can be corrected over the years. The advantages of autologous fat transplantation are the longer-lasting effect – compared to hyaluronic acid – and the lower costs in the case of larger volume defects.

Autologous fat is a very suitable injection material because – in contrast to foreign substances (fillers) – it does not lead to any allergies.

In addition to the immediate volume effect, the body’s own fatty tissue also has a regenerative effect on the overlying skin. After about 6 to 12 weeks, the skin becomes thickened and elastic fibers increase (regeneration).

The disadvantage of autologous fat transplantation lies in the additional donor defect (removal area of ​​autologous fat) and in a somewhat stronger swelling in the facial area (like after a dental treatment) and skin discoloration for 3 – 5 days – compared to hyaluronic acid.

Fat Grafting For Specific Body Regions